
We arrived in Madrid Spain on April 1st to start our adventure. We used Tripadvisor to find a restaurant near our hotel. The restaurant had $$$$ for price so we were surprised when we got a plate of food (paella for me and bean/sausage stew for my wife. It was followed by a lamb shank with potatoes and then flan for dessert. A full bottle of wine and coffee were also included. Total price $33 for both of us. Spain really may be as inexpensive as everyone said.

The next day we took an inner city on-off bus tour, followed by a tour of the Madrid Botanical Gardens. The garden was in sections…flowers, vegetables, trees, cacti, and orchids among other things.

Our last full day in Madrid, we took an outer city on-off bus tour and then visited the Prado Museum, the second largest museum in Spain. We enjoyed the many Goya paintings and many others (Rembrandts, Rubens, and Degas)